Azure DevOps REST API

Calling with C# - HTTP

  1. Create a new PAT
  2. Concatenate :<pat> where pat is your PAT and base64 that string.
  3. Add it as the Authentication header.
// We can call the REST API using simple HTTP Requests
new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

// Setup the Basic authorization using a PAT
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic",
        string.Format("{0}:{1}", "", personalaccesstoken))));

// Call an API and read it's contents
using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(
    string responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

Calling with C# - SDK

    VssConnection connection
            = new VssConnection(new Uri(collectionUri), new VssBasicCredential("", "pat"));

    // ===
    VssTokenStorage tokenStorage = VssTokenStorageFactory.GetTokenStorageNamespace("VisualStudio");
    IEnumerable<VssToken> vssTokens = tokenStorage.RetrieveAll("VssApp");
    foreach (VssToken v in vssTokens)
        Console.WriteLine(v.Resource + ", " + v.Type + ", " + v.UserName + ", " + v.ToString());

    // ===
    // Visual Studio Sign-in Prompt
    //VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(collectionUri), new VssClientCredentials());

    // ====
    //VssClientCredentialStorage ccs2 = new VssClientCredentialStorage();
    //VssFederatedToken ct2 = (VssFederatedToken)ccs2.RetrieveToken(new Uri(collectionUri), VssCredentialsType.Federated);
    //VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(collectionUri), new VssFederatedCredential(ct2));

Calling with CLI

Run a build pipeline:

az pipelines run --id 11446 --open --branch users/alan/my-branch

Calling with POSTMAN

Calling a REST API from PowerShell

Calling with JavasScript

function VstsApiRequest(url, method, data) {
        method = method || "GET";
        data = data || {};

        const authHeader = "Basic " + btoa(":" + pat);
        let options = {
            type: method,
            url: baseUrl + url,
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: "application/json",
            beforeSend: function(request) {
                    request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", authHeader);
                    request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json;api-version=5.1"  );

        if (data !== undefined) {
   = (JSON.stringify(data));

        return new Promise(
            function(resolve, reject) {

Posting to a pull request

Get the build URI: Env variable = BUILD_BUILDURI

Get the test runs for this build (note the version must be 5.1): Look for ‘integration test’ which is 4014504

Get the test results for this test run (note the version must be 5.1):

this has an id and a testcase name: “id”: 100000, “testCase”: { “name”: “should display welcome message” },

Now you can upload an attachment:

Postman request

Use this pre-request script in postman, and now you’ll just need to save your PAT

pm.collectionVariables.set('authBasicToken', btoa(':'+ pm.collectionVariables.get("pat")))